Seth Rumsey
Team Leader & Coach
Seth is the lead planter of Renewal Collective.
Recognizing that the traditional (legacy) model of church was only reaching a small percentage of the population, Renewal Collective was born out of a desire to mobilize and equip people as missionaries, wherever they are.
Seth and his family are living on mission in their neighborhood as they plant the gospel and create spaces for people to experience and grow in Christian community. Through hospitality, leading Discovery Bible Studies, running Alpha, and collaborative prayer, the Rumsey family is seeking to participate with God in bringing His kingdom in Oxford Square as it is in heaven. If you have a similar heart or want to learn more, contact seth@renewal-collective.org.
Kathy Petersen
Team Leader & Coach
Kathy tries to live out the truth that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is not just her Savior but also the Lord of her life and this means living in total trust and humble obedience. She is drawn to caring for women and to those living on the margins. She strives to tangibly live out the love of Jesus in order to introduce others to the Jesus she loves. She is a bridge-builder who is passionate about racial justice and unity. She serves in various capacities to care for those experiencing food and housing insecurity in the surrounding community, is a Bible Study leader in the Howard County Detention Center and a mentor for women incarcerated at MCIW and returning citizens.
She lives to be a messenger of God’s love and the Gospel to the people and places God sends her. She is married to Rodney and has two adult daughters.
Jesse & Mei Chang
Team Leader & Coach
Mei and Jesse currently live in Baltimore County. They have two adult sons and 2 grandsons. As a couple, they have shared the joy of knowing and following Christ as His disciples and participating in His Great Commission. Part of their journey includes having lived and served 20 years among a large unreached people group in Southeast Asia. It was during this time that they learned of the amazing works of God in birthing and multiplying disciple making movements in hundreds of places around the world, drawing millions of people to a saving faith in Christ and a life of obedience to Him. Their hearts were captivated by the vision of seeing an entire people group saturated and transformed by the gospel through the faithful and persistent practice of making multiplying disciples the way that Jesus modeled for and taught His disciples to do. This vision continues to stir and energize them as they seek to be led by the Spirit in making disciples from among the lost and equipping local and overseas Christ-followers to do the same.
Ron Stimeare
Team Leader & Coach
Ron has been called to share the love of Jesus with those who find themselves incarcerated, as well as with those who reside in elderly assisted living facilities within Howard County. God has blessed Ron and others with the opportunity to plant the gospel, as well as create spaces for people to experience and grow in Christian Community right where they live. Through hospitality, “Discovery Bible Studies”, prayer, care and counseling, God is leading Ron to bring God’s kingdom in tangible ways around Howard County and supporting others who feel called to do the same. If you believe God is leading you in this direction, we would like to invite you to join us in our virtual prayer group each Monday from 12-1pm: https://streetsofprayer.com/vpc
Akie Hadeed
Team Leader & Coach
Akie lives in College Park, MD and has witnessed many of the once thriving traditional churches lose most of their members or have ceased to exist altogether. Around ten years ago, the Lord put a burden on Akie for his neighborhood to experience a revival and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. It was out of this desire that he wanted to see simple churches planted in his neighborhood which led him to join the Renewal Collective team.
Akie has been married to his wife Susie since 2010 and they have 3 children. Akie is also the CEO of Streets of Prayer with the mission to mobilize 1 billion believers to cover every person and every street in persistent prayer by 2030. More can be found out about this vision and how you can participate at StreetsOfPrayer.org.