Seth Rumsey: seth@renewal-collective.org
Kathy Petersen: kathy@renewal-collective.org
Jesse Chang: jesse@renewal-collective.org
Mei Chang: monthofmei2@gmail.com
Ron Stimeare: ron@renewal-collective.org
Akie Hadeed: akie.hadeed@gmail.com
Joy Rumsey: joy.elizabeth@gmail.com
Join us for our collective worship gatherings starting Saturday, January 4, 2025 at the Hub House from 4:30-7p. We will begin with our worship service and conclude with a shared meal.
We hope you will join us!
I am committing to the identity of an everyday missionary with Renewal Collective.
As a missionary, I commit to being a servant living on mission in the context to which Jesus has sent me. In that context, I will engage relationally, demonstrate and proclaim the Gospel, and partner with the Holy Spirit to make new disciples.
I commit to serving the simple church that emerges in my context or the simple church to which I am associated in another context.
Finally, I commit to live a life of service and care with and from the leadership of Renewal Collective.
While I recognize that I may fail at times, I believe it is important that I purpose in my heart and confirm publicly my desire to keep these commitments as God enables me:
I will continue to surrender to Jesus as Lord by joyfully obeying him in every area of my life.
I endorse wholeheartedly and without reservation the Apostles Creed and Lausanne Covenant.
I will commit to the rhythms of extraordinary prayer and fasting, incarnational living, and planting the Gospel among those to whom Jesus has sent me.
I will lead a moral life consistent with the character standards for Elders set out in scripture (1 Timothy 3:1-13, Titus 1:5-9). If I have a serious moral lapse, I will promptly bring this to the attention of the leadership of Renewal Collective. I will cooperate with their counsel about how this problem may affect my ministry role.
I will maintain a healthy relational life. I will forgive those who wrong me, and I will not tolerate an attitude of bitterness or strife in my own heart. I purpose to conduct myself with humility, compassion, and forbearance toward my brothers and sisters in Christ. As God convicts me to do so, I will seek forgiveness from those whom I have wronged.
I will consistently attend trainings and engage in coaching as an everyday missionary and/or simple church leader.
I will offer my voice in helping to make decisions, guiding Renewal Collective with wisdom and fairness.
As God has blessed me, I will be a consistent and generous financial supporter of Renewal Collective, trusting that the leadership will wisely use these resources to bless others.
Above all, I will love, remembering that this characteristic marks us as Jesus’ disciples and reminds the world of his message and his cross. As the Lord Jesus guides me, by His grace and with humility, I fully commit to be a disciple-maker with Renewal Collective for as long as God should keep me a part of this local church family.