everyday missionaries and simple churches

Who will go to those who
won’t or can’t go to church?
Nearly 60% of unchurched people will not come to church, even if invited by a trusted Christian friend. This represent 1,750,000 in the four primary counties between Baltimore and Washington DC. It’s not just that they are not coming, but that they won't come.
What about the poor, marginalized, oppressed, and those most in need? What about those who can’t come, like those in nursing homes or the incarcerated? What about those who can’t attend a religious gathering on a weekend due to accessibility, lack of resources, and social barriers?
Renewal Collective exists to equip and support people like you to go to the won’ts and can’ts.
We want to empower and raise up everyday missionaries to plant the gospel and make disciples among those to whom God has sent us.

Are you mission-driven?
Are you wanting to do more but feeling alone in your mission?
Do you have a heart for justice but unsure where to start or what to do?
Are you already an “everyday missionary” and seeking community?
Do you want to see new spiritual life and the flourishing of human beings in every corner of our communities?
Join Renewal Collective
Interested in learning more about Renewal Collective?
Drop us a note and someone from Renewal Collective will get in touch.

Yes. We are a church of simple churches. Missionaries and simple churches will be connected through corporate worship gatherings, common elder oversight, and a team of coaches. The larger expression of church exists to serve the smaller by providing resources necessary to send missionaries and support simple churches to bring gospel renewal to our communities.
The short answer is yes. To be a leader in Renewal Collective means you have signed the covenant, are participating in the mission, are giving, and being coached. If you are committed to the above then we are not concerned where you choose to gather on a Sunday. We will have an Renewal Collective gathering but it is not required to participate in the mission of Renewal Collective.
We will gather for worship and training to strengthen and supply the simple church leaders and missionaries in their labor to obey Jesus and proclaim the good news of the Kingdom to their mission field. We believe that simple churches need the leadership and resources of the collective to strengthen, empower and help direct the simple church expression. Everyone is welcome, but we will structure our gatherings to encourage our leaders in their work of planting the gospel, making disciples, and leading simple churches.
A simple church shares a lot of similarities to a house church, and many simple churches will choose to meet in homes. As long as community, worship, and mission are being lived out among a group of believers, the church exists. However, we are intentionally using the designation of “simple church” instead of house church because not all churches will meet in homes. Some will meet in businesses, nursing homes, transitional housing, parks, community centers, ect.
We exist to empower missionaries to make disciples among the won’ts and cant’s. The wont’s are the %60 plus who indicate that they will never attend a religious gathering on a weekend even if invited by a trusted Christian friend. That represents about 1,750,000 people in the four counties between Baltimore and Washington D.C. The cant’s are those who are unable to attend a religious gathering on a weekend due to accessibility, lack of resources, and social barriers.
Renewal Collective’s primary concern is not about where we will plant but who we will plant (see who is a missionary?). With this in mind, we are focused on the four central counties between Baltimore and Washington DC: Howard, Montgomery, Prince George, and Anne Arundel. As Renewal Collective grows, we will actively pursue a space for equipping missionaries and gathering for worship.